Leonardo Martinelli • List of works

E O N A R D O    A R T I N E L L I

 l i s t   o f   w o r k s

Concerto for Orchestra, for orchestra; 2023.

Commissioned by Orquestra Filarmonica de Minas Gerais. Premiered in 02.03.2023 at Sala 
> Click and watch! (YouTube) 

Swansong,  chamber opera (sung in Portuguese); 2022.

Libreto by Livia Sabag after Chekhov's play. Commissioned by Theatro São Pedro. Premiere scheduled for 8.08.2022, at Theatro Sao Pedro (Sao Paulo). Gabriel Rhein-Schirato (conductor)  and Livia Sabag (régisseur). Orquestra Sinfônica do Theatro São Pedro. Cast: Eliane Coelho (the Actress, soprano) and Mauro Wrona (the Souffleur, tenor).

(Portuguese title: "O canto do cisne")


Navalha na carne, ópera em um ato (a partir da peça de Plínio Marcos); 2019-2022.
Encomenda* do Theatro Municipal de São Paulo. Estreada em 08.04.2022, no Theatro Municipal de São Paulo, com direção musical de Roberto Minczuk (conduzindo a Orquestra Sinfônica Municipal de São Paulo) e direção cênica de Fernanda Maia. Elenco: Luisa Francesconi (Neusa Sueli, mezzo soprano), Fernando Portari (Vado, tenor) e Homero Velho (Veludo, barítono). * Trata-se da primeira encomenda do gênero realizada pela instituição em toda sua história.


Canti di Caronti, para contrabaixo e baixo vocal solistas, va., cl. b. e mrb (teatro musical a partir de L'Orfeo, de C. Monteverdi); 2022.

Estreado em 06.03.2022, no Staatstheater Darmstadt, com solos de Bálaz Orbán (contrabaixo), Thomas Mehnert (voz), acompanhados por integrantes da orquestra da instituição.

Three minutes of sun light, chamber opera in three scenes (sung in Portuguese); 2021.
Libreto by João Luiz Sampaio after an original story by the composer. Commissioned by 23rd Festival Amazonas de Ópera. Online premiere in 06.06.2021, com direção musical de Otávio Simões e direção de cena de Julianna Santos. Elenco: Lina Mendes (Laura, soprano), Sàvio Faschét (Duda, counter tenor) e Vitor Mascarenhas (Marcos, baritone)
(Portuguese title: "Três minutos de sol")
> Click and watch! (YouTube) 

The book of sound drawings, for beginners string orchestra ; 2020.
Commissioned by Projeto Sinos. Online premiere in 03.12.2020 by Orquestra de cordas da Grota, conducted by Katunga Vidal.
(Portuguese title: "O livro dos desenhos sonoros")

The rest of Terpsichore, for four hands piano; 2020.
(Portuguese title: "O repouso de Terpsícore")

Caged beasts, for instrumental ensemble (fl, b. cl, hrn, vl, va); 2020.
Commissioned by Santo Andre Symphony Orchestra. Online premiere in 17.05.2020, directed by Abel Rocha 
(Portuguese title: "Feras engaioladas")
> Click and watch! (YouTube) 

Razor in the flesh, one-act opera (sung in Portuguese), 
Libreto by the composer after the play by Plinio Marcos; 2020. Commissioned by Theatro Municipal de Sao Paulo. Premiered postponed due Covid-19 pandemic.
(Portuguese title: "Navalha na carne")

The Christmas turkey, one-act opera (sung in Portuguese); 2019.
Libreto by Jorge Coli after a short story by Mário de Andrade. Commissioned by Pepe e Bea Esteve. Premiered in 14.12.2019, at Theatro Sao Pedro (Sao Paulo). Miguel Campos Neto (conductor) and Mauro Wrona (régisseur). Cast: Pedro Côrtes (Raul, bass), Tati Helene (Maria Luisa, soprano), Daine Scales (Tidinha, soprano), Tatiane Reis (Rose, soprano).
(Portuguese title: "O peru de Natal")
> Click and watch! (YouTube) 

Allegro scorrevole, for wind quintet and piano; 2018
Commissioned by Sesc Chamber Music Festival. Premiered in 28.11.2018 by Berlin Counterpoint.
> Click and listen! (SoundCloud)  

The Laussel's venus, for percussionists; 2018
Commissioned by Piap Percussion Ensemble. Premiered in 28.07.2018 by Piap Percussion Ensemble at Instituto de Artes de Unesp Auditorium (Sao Paulo, Brazil), during Piap's 40th Anniversary Celebration Festival.
(Portuguese title: "A vênus de Laussel")

Cercos, for instrumental ensemble (fl, sx, vibr, hp, pn, vl, vc); 2018
Commissioned by Ensemble Awkas (Paris, France). Premiered in 18.10.2018 at Grosser Konzert Saal da Hochschule der Künste, Bern (Switzerland)

Scherzo Pastorale, for four violas; 2018
Premiered in 13.02.2018 by Gabriel Marin, Renato França Bandel, Pedro Visockas and Alexandre Razera, for the I Encontro Campestre de Violas (Piracicaba, Brazil).
> Click and watch! (YouTube) 

Silence's itinerary, for female voice and violin (sung in Portuguese); 2017
Lyrics by Hilda Hilst. Work recorded for the CD album “A canção e o violino" by Manuela Freua (voice) and Emmanuele Baldini (vln). Live premiere in 29.07.2018 by Manuela Freua (voice) and Amanda Martins (vln) at Casa de Hilda Hilst (Paraty, Brazil), at the Paraty's International Literary Fest ("Flip").
(English title: "Roteiro do silêncio,")
> Click and listen! (Spotify) 

The angel's callfor trumpet and flugelhorn (solo player); 2016-17
Premiered in 24.08.2017 by Pedro Azevedo at Espaço Cultural Casa do Lago (Campinas, Brazil).
> Click and watch! (YouTube) 
(Portuguese title: "O chamado do anjo")

The beggar's songs, for male voice, cl, va e pn; 2014
Libreto by João Luiz Sampaio after Evandro Affonso Ferreira's romance "O mendigo que sabia de cor os adágios de Erasmo de Rotterdam"Premiered in 07.06.2014 by Savio Sperandio (bass bariton), Luiz Afonso Montanha (cl), Elisa Monteiro (va) and Karin Fernandes (pn) at CPFL Cultura auditorium (Campinas, Brazil).
(Portuguese title: "Canções do mendigo")
> Click and listen! (SoundCloud)

Pray, for solo harp; 2013
Premiered in 22.11.2013 by Soledad Yaya at Cátedras de Taller Experimental de Música da Facultad de Artes de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (UNC), Argentina
(Spanish title: "Oración")

The dialogue of Venus, Azrael and Ogum, for orchestra*; 2013
Premiered in 12.03.2013 by Filarmonica Bachiana SesiSP, conducted by John Boudler at Sala Sao Paulo (Sao Paulo, Brazil)
(Portuguese title: "O dialogo entre Venus, Azrael e Ogum")
* instrumentation: 2 fl, 2 ob, 2 cl, 2 bsn, 4 hn, 2 tpt, 3 trb, timp (4), 1 perc, strings + soloists in the audience (1 cl, 1 tpt and 1 perc)
> Click and listen! (SoundCloud) 

Quasi una canzone [sonata for violin and piano]; 2012
Work recorded for the CD album “Cage+” by Emmanuele Baldini (vln) and Dana Radu (pn)
Click and listen! (SoundCloud)

The thread of beads, for piano trio (vln, vlc and pn), after Mia Couto's book "O fio das missangas"; 2012
Premiered in 20.10.2012 by Trio Puelli at CPFL Cultura auditorium (Campinas, Brazil)
(Portuguese title: "O fio das missangas")
> Click and listen! (SoundCloud)
> Click and watch! (YouTube) 

Lux Aeterna, for instrumental ensemble (fl, cl, tpa, tpt, vln, vlc and perc); 2012 
Premiered in 29.09.2012 by Ensemble Experimental, conducted by Jamil Maluf, at CPFL Cultura auditorium (Campinas, Brazil)]
> Click and listen! (SoundCloud)

Love, never dialogue, for trumpet and marimba; 2012
Premiered in 25.08.2012 by In Tempori Duo at CPFL Cultura auditorium (Campinas, Brazil)
(Portuguese title: "Amor nunca dialogo")

Schackleton, Worsley and Crean slipping down from an ice hill, for cello and piano; 2010
Work-in-progress under "Piano Piece Piano II". Premiered in 2010 at Festival Musica Nova by Roham de Saram (vlc) and Beatriz Alessio (pn)
(Portuguese title: "Schackleton, Worsley e Crean deslizando de uma colina de neve")
Tres animais em forma de haikais, for choir (sung in Portuguese); 2010 (lyrics by Millor Fernandes)
Premiered in 07.07.2013 by Guri Santa Marcelina Choir at Museu de Arte de São Paulo (MASP) auditorium. This work was recorded for the CD album “Cantos Novos”, by Guri Santa Marcelina Choir, under the musical direction of Giuliana Frozoni.

Fortified forest, for orchestra*; 2009
Premiered in 17.10.2009 by Orquestra Experimental de Repertorio, conducted by Juliano Suzuki, at Teatro Sao Pedro (Sao Paulo, Brazil)
> Click and listen! (SoundCloud)
(Portuguese title: "Floresta Fortificada")
* instrumentation: 1 picc, 3 fl, 3 ob, 1 e hn, 4 cl, 2 bsn, 1 c bsn, 6 hn, 4 tpt, 3 trb, 1 tb, keyboards (pn + cel), timp (4), 3 perc, strings

Words in the flesh, for piano and two percussionists; 2009
Work recorded for the CD album “Musica Plural”, by Percorso Ensemble, under the musical direction of Ricardo Bologna]
(Portuguese title: "Palavras na Carne")
> Click and listen! (SoundCloud)  
Junitaki, for wind octet*, after Haruki Murakami's book "A wild sheep chase"; 2007
Premiered in 31.08.2007 by the wind ensemble of Orquestra Experimental de Repertorio at Sala Olido (Sao Paulo, Brazil)
* instrumentation: 2 fl, 2 ob, 2 cl, 2 bsn

Ayahuasca, for string orchestra; 2007
Premiered in 10.09.2007 at Festival Musica Nova by Ensemble Musica Nova, conducted by Emiliano Patarra, at Sesc Consolação auditorium (Sao Paulo, Brazil)

Brothers: the places and its memories, string quartet; 2007
After Milton Hatoum's book "Brothers".
(Portuguese title: "Dois irmãos: os lugares e suas memórias")

The angel Azraeel, for four soloists trumpets, wind orchestra and complementay percussion; 2005
After Salman Rushdie's book "The satanic verses". Premiered in 05.08.2005 at Festival Musica Nova by Banda Sinfonica do Estado de Sao Paulo, conducted by Abel Rocha with solos by Albert dos Santos, Jose Torres, Jean Pierre Ryckebush and Roberto Gastaldi, at Sesc Consolacao auditorium (Sao Paulo, Brazil)
(Portuguese title: "O Anjo Azraeel") 
* instrumentation: 1 picc, 2 fl I,
2 fl II, 2 ob, 1 e hn, 1 Eb cl, Bb cl I, Bb cl II, Bb cl III, alto cl, bass cl, 2 bsn, 1 c bsn, 1 alto sax, 1 tenor sax, 1 bariton sax, 4 hn,  3 trb, 1 euph, 2 tb, 3 perc, double bass + 4 soloists tpt in the audience

Piano Piece II (Schackleton, Worsley and Crean slipping down from an ice hill); 2005
Premiered in 16.11.2005 by Tania Lanzer at ECA-USP auditorium (Sao Paulo, Brazil)
Portuguese title: "Peça para Piano II (Schackleton, Worsley e Crean deslizando de uma colina de neve)"]

> Click and listen! (SoundCloud)
> Click and watch! (Vimeo)

Three pictures of an unknown woman, for wind quintet; 2004
Premiered in 01.07.2004 by Quinteto OSB at IBEU auditorium (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)(Portuguese title: "Tres instantaneos de uma mulher desconhecida")
> Click and listen! (SoundCloud)

Paths/Times, for six percussionists; 2002
Premiered in 08.04.2002 by Piap Percussion Group, conducted by John Boudler, at festival Ritmos da Terra at Centro de Convivencia Cultural de Campinas (Campinas, Brazil)
(Portuguese title: "O Anjo Azraeel") 
* instrumentation: 1 picc, 2 fl I, 2 fl II, 2 ob, 1 e hn, 1 Eb cl, Bb cl I, Bb cl II, Bb cl III, alto cl, bass cl, 2 bsn, 1 c bsn, 1 alto sax, 1 tenor sax, 1 bariton sax, 4 hn,  3 trb, 1 euph, 2 tb, 3 perc, double bass + 4 soloists tpt in the audience

Piano Piece II (Schackleton, Worsley and Crean slipping down from an ice hill); 2005
Premiered in 16.11.2005 by Tania Lanzer at ECA-USP auditorium (Sao Paulo, Brazil)
Portuguese title: "Peça para Piano II (Schackleton, Worsley e Crean deslizando de uma colina de neve)"]
> Click and listen! (SoundCloud)

Three pictures of an unknown woman, for wind quintet; 2004
Premiered in 01.07.2004 by Quinteto OSB at IBEU auditorium (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)(Portuguese title: "Tres instantaneos de uma mulher desconhecida")
> Click and listen! (SoundCloud)

Paths/Times, for six percussionists; 2002
Premiered in 08.04.2002 by Piap Percussion Group, conducted by John Boudler, at festival Ritmos da Terra at Centro de Convivencia Cultural de Campinas (Campinas, Brazil)
(Portuguese title: "Sendas/Tempos")
> Click and listen! (SoundCloud)

Gesta, for male voice and percussion (sung in Portuguese); 2001-2002
After Haroldo de Campos' poem "A Maquina do Mundo Repensada". Premiered in 10.12.2002 by Wladimir Mattos (voice) and Francisco Abreu (perc) at IA-Unesp auditorium (Sao Paulo, Brazil)

Contrasts, for piano and percussion; 2000
Premiered in 25.11.2000 by Marcia Goulart (piano) and Luis Carlos Oliveira (perc) at IA-Unesp auditorium (Sao Paulo, Brazil)
(Portuguese title: "Contrastes")
> Click and listen! (SoundCloud)

Three piano studies; 1999
Premiered in 2002 by Sabrina Schülz at IA-Unesp auditorium (Sao Paulo, Brazil)
(Portuguese title: "Tres estudos para piano")

Itinerary, for solo clarinet; 1998-1999
Premiered in 21.10.1999 by Klayber Varela at IA-Unesp auditorium (Sao Paulo, Brazil)
(Portuguese title: "Itinerario") 

Solo, for solo flute; 1998
Premiered in 13.11.1998 by Cassia Renata de Lima at IA-Unesp auditorium (Sao Paulo, Brazil)
> Click and watch! (YouTube) 

De profundis (Psalmus 129), for female voices (sung in Latim); 1998
Premiered in 23.11.2001 by Gabriela Garcia, Joana Mariz and Mariana Valenca at IA-Unesp auditorium (Sao Paulo, Brazil)

Bagatelles for organ; 1997
Premiered in 23.11.2001 by Guilherme Mannis at IA-Unesp auditorium (Sao Paulo, Brazil) 
(Portuguese title: "Bagatelas para Orgao")

Piano Piece I; 1995-1996
Premiered in 13.11.1998 by Fabio Godoi at IA-Unesp auditorium (Sao Paulo, Brazil)

Bagatelle, for instrumental ensemble; 1995
Premiered in 1995 at Festival de Inverno de Campos do Jordao by Bahia Ensemble, conducted by Piero Bastianelli

Contrasts, for piano and percussion; 2000
Premiered in 25.11.2000 by Marcia Goulart (piano) and Luis Carlos Oliveira (perc) at IA-Unesp auditorium (Sao Paulo, Brazil)
(Portuguese title: "Contrastes")
> Click and listen! (SoundCloud)

Three piano studies; 1999
Premiered in 2002 by Sabrina Schülz at IA-Unesp auditorium (Sao Paulo, Brazil)
(Portuguese title: "Tres estudos para piano")

Itinerary, for solo clarinet; 1998-1999
Premiered in 21.10.1999 by Klayber Varela at IA-Unesp auditorium (Sao Paulo, Brazil)
(Portuguese title: "Itinerario") 

Solo, for solo flute; 1998
Premiered in 13.11.1998 by Cassia Renata de Lima at IA-Unesp auditorium (Sao Paulo, Brazil)
> Click and watch! (YouTube) 

De profundis (Psalmus 129), for female voices (sung in Latim); 1998
Premiered in 23.11.2001 by Gabriela Garcia, Joana Mariz and Mariana Valenca at IA-Unesp auditorium (Sao Paulo, Brazil)

Bagatelles for organ; 1997
Premiered in 23.11.2001 by Guilherme Mannis at IA-Unesp auditorium (Sao Paulo, Brazil) 
(Portuguese title: "Bagatelas para Orgao")

Piano Piece I; 1995-1996
Premiered in 13.11.1998 by Fabio Godoi at IA-Unesp auditorium (Sao Paulo, Brazil)

Bagatelle, for instrumental ensemble; 1995
Premiered in 1995 at Festival de Inverno de Campos do Jordao by Bahia Ensemble, conducted by Piero Bastianelli